Morticai, the creative persona of sound designer and musician Jeddy Grant, immerses audiences in ambient soundscapes and ethereal rhythmic melodies that transcend genre. Making use of bass and baritone guitars along with an array of effect pedals, Morticai weaves intricate, nonlinear compositions that transport listeners to realms of introspection and empathy. Their latest album, “Please Excuse Me, I’m Grieving” is a meditation on loss and healing, and aims to act as a catalyst for meaningful connection and communal understanding. Morticai has been active in Monterey Bay for 8 years, playing shows with Santa Cruz Looping Festival, Liminal Space Collective, Sound Escape, Eclectic Collective. Jeddy is also a geometrical artist specializing in spirography, which can be found at Follow Jeddy on IG at @an_ape_named_jeddy and at
My website is where you can find more of my art and music!